New Firearms
Used Firearms
Transfer Services
Duty Gear/5.11
Concealed Carry Info
Police Training
Police Memorial
Accessories Gunsmith Service

Quality Products  *  Discount Prices


LEOSS deals with local police departments and a few select in state and out of state dealers for our used firearms.   These firearms are police agency "turn-ins" and come in good to very good condition. I personally inspect and ensure that these firearms are in good working order. If they are not, I send them back to the manufacturer to be refurbished. Most of the firearms come with nite sights and 1 or 2 hi-cap mags.  

We offer:

Glock 17, 19, 20, 21, 26, 22, 23, 27

Sig Sauer P220, P225, P226, P228, P229, P230

S&W 4043, 4046, 4586

Berreta Cougar 8000, 92FS, 96

Supplies are limited, please call or email for pricing and availability.


By e-mail
By U.S. Mail: 6411 Sunset Ave., Independence, Ohio 44131
Phone: 216-276-0638 ~ Fax: 216-640-7373


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