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Quality Products  *  Discount Prices


This is the place where you can find just about everything else that you would need to compliment your arsenal!!!

Armament Systems

Benchmade Knives Blackhawk tactical Blue Training Guns
Casco International Cold Steel Knives Columbia River Knives Crimson Trace
Damascus Hand Armor - Gloves Defense Technologies - DEFTEC

EO Tech

Fox Labs Garrett Metal Detectors Gerber Tools and Knives Hatch Gloves
Hiatt's Handcuffs Hogue Grips Hoppe's Howard Leight
Inova Leatherman Leica Lightning Powder
LSI Spotlights Mag-Lite Metal-Tec Monadnock
Nite-Ize Peerless Handcuffs Pelican Lights and Cases Pro-Gard
Pro-Lok Saunders Clipboards Spyderco Knives Streamlight Flashlights
Taylor Cutlery TicketBoard TufLoc V-Line Safes 
Zak Tools - Handcuff keys  



Directly by e-mail
By U.S. Mail: 6411 Sunset Ave., Independence, Ohio 44131
Phone: 216-276-0638
 ~   Fax: 216-640-7373


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